上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第207期:Advertising Format and Content Provision on Revenue-Sharing Content Platforms

报告题目:AdvertisingFormat and Content Provision on Revenue-Sharing Content Platforms


报告形式:腾讯会议 900-807-554


报告摘要:The digitalcontent market has grown dramatically in recent years. Many platforms show adswhen consumers watch the content on their platforms, and they share ad revenuewith content creators to incentivize them to create and share content. Theseplatforms generally adopt either a uniform-advertising format or adifferentiated-advertising format. This paper shows that, regardless of the adformat, an increase in substitubility of content creators on the platform canincrease the content creators’ profits and the consumer surplus. By contrast, anincrease in substitubility of content creators can benefit the platform under uniformadvertising but not under differentiated advertising. Moreover, the equilibriumad revenue-sharing rate, content quality, and the number of ads shown for eachcontent will be lower under differentiated advertising than under uniformadvertising. The platform’s profit and the consumer surplus are also lowerunder differentiated advertising than under uniform advertising. However,depending on the substitubility of content creators, the content creators’profits can be higher or lower under differentiated advertising. In anextension, we also analyze an emerging ad format in which the platform allowscontent creators themselves to decide the number of ads on their content.Interestingly, we show that this new ad format can make all the marketparticipants (i.e., the platform, the content creators, and the consumers)worse off.


个人介绍:田林,复旦大学管理学院管理科学系教授/博士生导师。研究领域为面向平台供应链的运营决策问题,涉及电商平台、共享平台、在线服务平台等。研究成果发表在JMR、MKSC、MS、MSOM、OR、POM、管理科学学报等国际与国内知名期刊。主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,同时主持或参与华为技术有限公司、华住集团、中国东方航空等多个企业项目。获第八届教育部人文社科青年成果奖,担任UTD期刊POM的Senior Editor。学术源于实践,学术应服务于实践,希望自己可以成为学术与实践之间联系的一根丝线。

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