上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第199期:Internal resource waste and centralization degreee in two-stage systems: an efficiency analysis

报告主题:Internal resource waste and centralization degreee in two-stagesystems: an efficiency analysis

报告摘要:Internal resource wasterefers to the waste in the intermediate resources between the upstream stageand downstream stage in a production or service system. This study examines asystem with a two-stage structure, in which the outputs from the first stageare taken as the inputs for the second stage. Two-stage systems can exist incentralized, decentralized, or mixed organizational modes. In this paper, wepropose two-stage DEA models considering a degree of centralization that makesit possible to measure internal resource waste in different system modes. Somemanagerial insights are tested and verified from the perspective of efficiencyanalysis. We find that: 1) when there is only one intermediate measure in acentralized two-stage system, internal resource waste can be eliminatedcompletely, and 2) a higher degree of centralization in a two-stage system canlead to less internal resource waste and more expected outputs. Finally, wepresent a numerical example and two practical real-world examples thatillustrate our approach and findings.


报告人:吴杰 教授


报告形式:腾讯会议852 196 713


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