题 目:Quantile difference estimation with censoring indicators missing atrandom
报告人:梁汉营教授 同济大学数学科学学院
时 间:2021.12.5 10:00-11:30
地 点:经管学院 335
In this talk, we propose estimator ofdistribution function when the data are right-censored and the censoringindicators are missing at random, and then establish their strongrepresentations and asymptotic normality. Further, based on empirical likelihoodmethod, we define maximum empirical likelihood estimators and smoothedlog-likelihood ratios of two-sample quantile difference in the presence andabsence of auxiliary information, respectively, and prove their asymptoticdistributions. Simulation study and real data analysis are conducted toinvestigate the finite sample behavior of the proposed methods.