上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列报告148期:Childhood Television Exposure and Subsequent Development of Non-cognitive Skills


题  目:Childhood Television Exposure and Subsequent Development of

Non-cognitive Skills 

时  间:2020年11月24日(周二)13:30-15:00

地  点:经管学院335

Abstract:This paper examines the effects of cable television exposure during early school age on a variety of non-cognitive outcomes in adolescence in rural China. Using household and village survey data from the China Family Panel Studies in 2010, we exploit heterogeneity in the timing of cable television’s introduction to villages. We find strong evidence that more exposure to cable television during early school-age period (ages 6-8) raises a child’s confidence level and study behavior. No effect on schooling outcome is observed.

报告人简介:陈劼,上海科技大学创业与管理学院副教授,研究员,上海市东方学者特聘教授。圣路易斯华盛顿大学本科,耶鲁大学博士。曾就职于新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院,担任助理教授。曾组织过多次大型国际学术会议,担任各类学术期刊审稿人,并曾获得多项新加坡政府颁发的科研基金。主要研究领域涉及发展经济学、应用计量和经济不平等。在Journal of Development Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Human Resources, Energy Policy 等杂志发表文章十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。

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