上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列报告之一百贰拾玖期: Consensus Evolution Networks: A consensus reaching tool for Group Decision Making

讲座主题:Consensus Evolution Networks: A consensus reaching tool for Group Decision Making

讲座时间:9月27日(周五)上午 9:00-10:20



报告摘要:The consensus reaching process (CRP) is a critical part of group decision making (GDM). In order to explore the evolution of consensus, a new CRP tool is proposed based on consensus evolution networks (CENs). The CENs are built based on the consensus degrees among decision makers (DMs) and allow us to manage the consensus thresholds and its evolution. A new consensus index is introduced based on the structured and numerical aspects of the CENs. The new consensus index can not only deeply analyze the constitution of consensus, but also determine the weights of DMs. According to the clustering coefficient, the sensitive consensus threshold is identified and the sensitive consensus evolution network (SCEN) is built. Based on the complementary SCEN, a pairwise feedback adjustment method is proposed to improve consensus. Besides, the sparsity of the CENs can act as a reference to determine the agreed consensus thresholds, which is considered an important issue in traditional models.


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