上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列报告之113期:Addressing carbon pricing and competition in global supply chains

讲座主题:Addressing carbon pricing and competition in global supply chains

讲座时间:3月5日(周二)下午 14:00-15:30


报告人:Ernesto D.R. Santibañez Gonzalez 教授

报告摘要:This talk will address mathematical models to analyse and investigate the impacts of adopting climate change mitigation strategies on the managing and planning of global forward-reverse supply chains (SC). In this SC suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, recycling centers and processing facilities compete in a non-cooperative fashion to maximize their profits. Climate change mitigation strategies are considered, in particular, the reduction of carbon emissions to the atmosphere by imposing tax or incentives to the members of the supply chain.

报告人简介:Dr. Ernesto D.R. Santibanez Gonzalez major interests are in to develop high quality research coupled with technology transfer activities that generate disruptive innovative solutions to relevant and real problems that arise in the intersection of climate change and sustainability. His main research interests are on problems at the interface of climate change and sustainability, such as, sustainable and resilience supply chain and logistics, supply chain analytics, sustainable operations management, smart city, smart manufacturing, circular economy to name a few. Current research of Dr. Santibanez-Gonzalez is characterized by integrating linear/no-linear mathematical models, game theory-based models, complex heuristics/metaheuristics, big-data, information systems and internet technology to understand and model how climate change and the required balance of economic, environmental and social issues will impact society, companies and organizations.

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