上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列报告之七十六:“Environmentally Conscious Air Transportation”
报告人:Ali Akgunduz教授(Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Canada)
报告题目:“Environmentally Conscious Air Transportation”
报告摘要:Transportation industry collectively contributes to 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) report, Aviation industry is responsible for 2% of global greenhouse gas emission and 12 % of CO2 produced by all transportation industry. A recent study in UK further suggests that, aviation industry contributes to 6% of all greenhouse gas produced in UK. Despite aviation industry’s current contribution to greenhouse gas emission is relatively low, the fast increasing demand on air travelling suggests that, in near future, aviation’s contribution on the environment will significantly increase. In recent years, auto industry has introduced a number of alternative power sources that significantly reduce automobiles’ CO2 emission. Unlike for the automotive and rail industry, advances in technology is not promising a breakthrough alternative power source for the aviation industry. Aircraft manufacturers are constantly searching for better technologies and adopting best practices for producing light aircrafts to minimize their fuel consumption. Yet, such advances in technology is not promising a shift from fossil fuel usage for the foreseeable future. Both increasing demand on air-travelling and lack of alternatives for the fossil fuels will only increase the contribution of aviation industry for CO2 production.
Management of flight operations both during flight and on the ground may have a profound impact on the fuel consumption. It is known that the altitude, speed and external factors such as wind speed and direction impact significantly on the fuel consumption. Moreover, the quality of airport operations, congestion in or around the airports are directly linked to the greenhouse gas emissions by the airline industry. In this research, we develop mathematical models to minimize the fuel consumption during flights while respecting both business and safety objectives. First we introduce a mathematical model that determines the optimum speed leading to minimum fuel consumption during flight. The proposed Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model also responds to the collision avoidance requirement during flight, as well as the business objectives such on time departure and arrival. In the second research problem, we present a strategy to improve fuel consumption in airports. We are studying the feasibility of using towing vehicles for handling the ground traffic. Since this approach requires significant investment by the airport authorities, we study the short-term and long-term strategies that would challenge industry to adopt more efficient techniques for managing airport operations. One of the specific topic that we are interested in investigating is the carbon taxation in airline industry. Carbon taxes and carbon trading can be utilized to motivate airports and airline companies to invest on technologies to improve their operations in and around airports to reduce the carbon emission.
报告人简介:Dr. Ali Akgunduz is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University. He earned his Ph.D. in University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Ali Akgunduz’s research interests include Transportation management, Systems simulation, Airline Operations, Railways operations, Human-computer interaction etc. He has published papers in leading international refereed research journals including: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Computers in Industry, Expert Systems With Applications, Journal of Heuristics,IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, INFORMS Healthcare Management Science, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,International Journal of Operational Research,Computers and Industrial Engineering,International Journal of Revenue Management, ASME Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. He is a PhD supervisor and a member of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) andCanadian Operations Research Society (CORS).
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