
题 目:Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Auto Market: A Welfare Analysis
报告人:Junji Xiao, Department of Decision Sciences & Managerial Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong
时 间:10月15日(周三)下午1:30-2:45
地 点:经管楼335会议室
  This paper assesses the welfare effects of foreign direct investment for host country consumers in the Chinese passenger-vehicle market. We find that foreign-invested enterprises directly improved consumer welfare through expanding the choice set, especially in the high-end market, or avoiding the import tariff. Indirectly, foreign-branded cars produced in joint ventures also benefited indigenous brands produced in the auto groups by enhancing their perceived quality and reducing the marginal costs, thereby bringing about welfare gains for car buyers.
  肖俊极,男,经济学博士,现为香港中文大学副教授。此前任教于上海财经大学经济学院(2006-2010年),复旦大学管理学院(2010-2014年)。教育背景为:南开大学经济学学士(1998年),南开大学经济学硕士(2001年),多伦多大学经济学博士(2006年)。研究领域为实证产业组织、应用微观经济学、市场营销。论文发表于Review of Economics and Statistics,Journal of Industrial Economics,International Journal of Industrial Organization, Applied Economics,Marketing Letters,Frontiers of Economics in China,经济学季刊,营销科学学报,中国管理科学,财贸经济,南开经济研究,财经研究,南方经济等。研究曾获得国家自然科学基金、教育部留学归国人员科研基金、浦江人才计划、上海汽车工业协会基金等资助。 


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